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Chapter 39 - Birthday Surprise

Updated: Apr 27, 2021

Hey World!

Today I celebrate Chapter 39, and I declare to celebrate all of me: the good, the bad, and the ugly. I'll start with the good, who am I. I'm the strong friend, the one celebrating everyone around me. If I rock with you, I ROCK WITH YOU. If you have a goal, I will rally right next to you and give my all to show up for you. Now the bad, as I put everyone first, I forgot about myself. I was too busy trying to please everyone around me. The ugly truth is that I lost sight of the GOAL. I lost my way, and was so distracted that I lost sight of pleasing God. I lost my voice, and I still showed up for everyone but myself.

With that revelation, I'm back!! Chapter 39 is all about accepting my past, acknowledging my role, and living for the now!!! No, like right now. Covid slowed me all the way down, and when it hit the fan, it was God and I taking this trip called life together. I have so much to say, and I pray that it will be a purpose to my words. I pray that God will guide me on this new adventure and that He gets the glory as I feed people physically and spiritually.

My goal is to sprinkle you with content to encourage you, challenge you to take a stand, use your voice and share your story. We're in this together ❤.


Authentically Tee

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