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What Are You Waiting For?

I was waiting for my husband to go on my dream vacation.

MY love for travel started at a young age. Don't get me wrong, I hated flying as a child, but my mom would find creative ways for us to spend time together, have family vacations, create memories, and the list goes on. I remember taking the train from LA to San Diego to get away with my mom and my brothers during the summertime. We would go to Sea World, the San Diego Zoo, and Lego land. My father, mother, and brothers would vacation on cruises in the Caribbean. My favorite family vacation was Disney World in Florida; we went two different times. On one occasion, we were in a hurricane. I was scared but knew I was safe because we were with my dad.

Traveling meant adventure, family time, fun, and good food. As an adult, I started traveling with my friends. Apart from me wanted a family of my own so we could take our yearly vacations and make memories. Last year I took a spontaneous trip to Greece with my cousin. It was on her wish list, she gave me a list of locations, and I chose Greece for the flying dress photoshoot. One of my dream vacation locations was Bora Bora. It would be my destination for my honeymoon; mind you, I'm not married. I was waiting and waiting.

I decided to take my power back and stop waiting. So for my 40th birthday, I went to Bora Bora. This is huge because I decided to stop waiting for "this" to happen before I could live life.

What are you waiting for? Are you waiting for the perfect time to start that business? Are you waiting for your kids to grow up before going back to school? Are you waiting for your partner to travel, buy your home, or invest? Believe the list goes on. But I'm here to encourage you to ask yourself, what am I waiting for? Are you putting unnecessary limits on your life?

Well, guess what it's time to flip the script.

Do it now!

Do it now!

What does flip the script mean, you ask?

Those limiting beliefs, fears, and areas of your life are being challenged. Let's use them to fuel us. What if that's the exact area that God wants to bless you in? We won't know until we take the step and bet on ourselves.


Authentically Tee

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