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Hey World!

For years I tried to run away from my own light. I would even try to hide it when I was in different environments. When people compliment or make mention of it, I would downplay it and try to dim my own light. I was once told that my light makes people uncomfortable.

So my question is, who are you surrounding yourself with? Are you reflecting light off of each other, or are you shining a light on their darkness? Darkness can be looked at in many different ways. But for clarity, I will use darkness as their own negative thoughts and or feelings. Have you ever been around someone that finds the bad in every situation? It's draining to be around. I've been that person being unhappy with my current situation, and simply everything annoyed me. When people would try to encourage me and point out my strengths, I didn't receive it. I had to do the work for myself. These distractions came because I was too busy looking at everyone else for validation that I didn't see the beauty that was right in front of me the whole time. I would rush to be in the company of people that necessarily didn't value the true me; they loved how I made them feel or what I brought to the table.

My momma couldn't do the work for me; my best friend couldn't do it. I had to acknowledge that there was a problem, admit my feeling and honestly get tired of putting everyone else before me.

Throughout this blog, I will be sharing stories that relate to my three methods to bring comfort to the strong friend. The first method is Clean House. This deals with not only your physical environment but your temple. What are some things that we've allowed to get inside of us and change us? Is there trauma that needs to be addressed and healed? This is where I will discuss ways to acknowledge that you're tired of putting everyone first and you simply need help. You show up every day with a big smile but deep down, your hurting. My goal is to help guide you by sharing some of the steps that I took and currently still taking to ensure that I'm not living up to the "strong friend/ sister/partner," etc. Titles that have been assigned to me and that I've worn for too many years.


Authentically Tee

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