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Spring Cleaning

Hey World,

Happy Spring! We're a few weeks into Spring, and as we step into this new season, I want to work on letting go of things that no longer serve me. I will start with an area that I can control, and that's my health. I made an appointment; the first thing was to stop eating red meat and fried foods. Mind you, I don't eat a lot of red meat and fried foods and don't have a craving for them. But right when asked not to eat it, I wanted a steak, I made oxtails, smothered wings, and I was like why. Why do we tend to crave things that we shouldn't have? I had to stop the battle within my mind and take control of my cravings. No, I'm not going to say that I will never eat it again, but I have a weight loss goal that I want to achieve, so I need to buckle down let go of the negative eating habits that no longer serve me.

What are some things that are no longer serving you? It could also be relationships, friendship, a task, job, etc. It's time for us to do some Spring Cleaning in our physical and spiritual lives. Physically can be our surrounding, home, or body. I ask what does your house looks like? Is it organized? Do you need to declutter your house and let go of some old clothes that you no longer fit or wear? I suggest cleaning out your closet and donating the items to a local shelter. I like to donate to nonprofits that focus on women getting to the workforce. Who are your surroundings yourself with? Is your tribe building you up or tearing you down? Now, this is for my strong friends out there. It is okay not to answer your phone if you know that the phone conversation will drain your energy and shift your mood. It's okay to say no to attending that family event where you know that you will be subjected to disfunction. Stay home and do something that will feed your spirit.

Spiritually can be protecting our ear and eye gates. What are you watching on tv, social media, or YouTube? That content is affecting your spirit. Is the content motivating you or encouraging you to get up be productive? Or is the content feeding you negatively or causing you to feel bad about your current situation because you're comparing yourself to people on tv? If you think worst or drained after being on social media, it may be time to take a social media break. Use the extra time to read a book that will build you up. Find a new interest or hobby. Reconnect with an old passion and use the time to build upon it.

As I continue to look at ways to let go of things that no longer serve me this season, I challenge you to do the same. It's time to make ourselves the priority and do the work; you can do it; I believe in you. Feel free to leave some additional that you will build yourself up physically and spiritually in this season. Please don't feel the need to add 100 things to your list; start with one and commit to it.


Authentically Tee

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