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Trust The Process

God is so good, and I have often said that He speaks to me in many different ways. I went to the nail shop three weeks ago to get a pedicure, and I was tempted to get a manicure as well. Since I cook a lot, I tend to have my hands in water often, so I do not get regular nail polish because it chips off. I do not like getting acrylic because it tends to make my nail beds weak and sensitive. So I opted not to get my hands done. A week later, I was in another state with a friend at the nail shop while getting her service. To spend time with her, I got another pedicure, this time, I decided to get a manicure. It was the SLS method, which I wasn't familiar with the process. After asking questions, I decided to go with it. As the nail tech was applying the process, I found myself frustrated because I did not like the look of my nails. I also stopped getting my nails done because I would want them to look flawless at all times. Yes, I know that is an unrealistic goal, but it was my desire. I also found myself complaining to my friend about my nails. I asked the nail tech if they would turn out shiny? I asked the tech to clean up around my nail cuticles, and the list went on. Once the lady was done with my nails, I really liked them. They came out better than I expected.

I laughed, looked at my friend, and said, trust the process. The statement trusting the process at that time was way bigger than getting my nails done. How many times have we found ourselves complaining to God about the process? Asking all kinds of questions, seeking other people's opinions, and getting all worked up verse trusting the process.

After sitting in my real-life example, I had to look at what the Bible said, and I found myself in Psalm 56:3-4 NKJV, which states, “Whenever I am afraid, I will trust You. In God (I will praise His Word), In God I have put my trust; I will not fear…”

The word trust was mentioned twice, so I decided to look at the meaning of trust. Per Merriam-Webster, Trust is defined as “assured reliance on the character, ability, strength, or truth of someone or something” and “One is which confidence is placed. The scripture says when you are afraid, I will trust You, You is referring to God. If I combine the meaning of trust, it is saying that I will be secure in God’s ability when I am afraid.

In the scenario, the nail tech was the expert, and I should have trusted her, but I clearly did not.

Below are three steps that I suggest using when fear and doubt arise.

#1 Clean House - (Your “house” is referred to your physical/external environment and internal body/self)

  • Allow yourself time and space to acknowledge what you are feeling

  • Remove distractions. Take your eyes off the situation that is at hand and shift your focus on God

#2 Preparation – It is time to do some work!

  • Know who God is and His ability. Below are some scriptures that will help you recognize God’s ability.

  • Psalm 147:5 NKJV states “Great is our Lord, and mighty in power; His understanding is infinite”.

  • Luke 1:37 NKLV states “For with God nothing will be impossible”.

  • Revelations 1:8 “I am the Alpha and the Omega, the Beginning and the End,” says the Lord, “who is and who was and who is to come, the Almighty.”

  • Affirm God’s word in your life by reciting who He is in your life. You can use an affirmation card by writing what the scripture says and reading it throughout your day.

#3 Order – Once you get instructions from God, it is time to prioritize them.

  • By knowing God’s ability, TRUST HIM and seek HIS instructions for the specific time. Some ways consist of prayer, worship, and spending time reading His Word, which is the Bible

  • Let go of your expectations and prioritize the instructions that God gave you

These steps should allow you to shift your focus from what is bothering you or causing you to fear and enable you to say ok, God, I trust You, what do You want me to do now, or what do You want me to learn.

Let me know if you have used any of the above methods before, and I am interested in hearing your experiences.


Authentically Tee

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